Thursday, August 14, 2008

This one's gonna come as a shocker after the previous post........

I am now confused to the point that I'm actually doubting my own methods.........

SHOULD i always be nice???

Would I be happier NOT being myself sometimes.........

giving into "GOOD" advice, and trying to be a little more 'worldly-wise'??

Do nice people have NO value.....


Do you HAVE to CONSTANTLY blow your own trumpet just to remind everyone of ur existence?????

This is what the dilemna is.......

Am i happier being myself and being taken for granted, or ...

am i happier being 'worldly-wise' and being valued???

but then....

If I'm not myself..... What exactly would I be valued for????

Is it possible to create the perfect balance???

Be yourself WHILE doing what gets people to notice that you're there...

or that you're gone???

Strange world we live in......

contradicts itself on a regular basis......

yet somehow manages to keep working, keep moving......

We sit in corners and weep, for our dreams, our needs, our wants.....

We're condemned for licking our wounds...


The world doesn't really give a shit.......

those few who are stupid enough to expose themselves, hoping for some love, hope, ANYTHING positive, just end up battered and ridiculed.

Why should they not have the right to indulge in a little self pity sometimes then???

NOT all the time, mind you... but sometimes????

You can't please all the people all the time...

but then, how wise it is to want to please one person all the time??

Especially when that person is NOT yourself....

is it even possible????

And what's the point in pleasing some of the people some of the time???

The easiest thing to do in such a situation, would SEEM to be, pleasing yourself....

But the consequence of that... is living with yourself... ONLY yourself.....

how many people can be content with that???

Let's talk Rights... or Duties.......

If you have a right to be happy, don't you also have a duty towards yourself to make sure you give it your best shot???

If xyz has a right to be happy at your expense, is there also some kind of duty involved somewhere???

In the ide3al world, rights and duties would probably be 2 sides of a coin....

but then, who among us actually has ever seen an ideal world????

I actually suspect none of this made any sense at all........

But the question is, did it help????

If only I knew how to answer that!

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