Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Purpose in Life......

Here is an excerpt from Ramtha. It brings me joy.

To be happy and joyous is the Father's only desire for you. It is, indeed, the grandest emotional value there is. It is the greatest accomplishment in life. To have understood and become joy is the only destiny that God has given to all mankind, whatever plane they are upon, whatever understanding they have achieved. For when you have returned to a state of joy and happiness, you have returned to a state of God-for joy is what the Father is. It is an isness that is in joy at all times.
The Father has given you the power to create whatever you desire, from the vilest of things to the greatest beauty of things. He will become anything you desire him to be in your search for understanding joy. And will he ever judge your actions or the fulfillment of your desires? Nay, he never will. That is the love of Father to son, life- force to life-force. All he wants you to do is whatever it takes to be happy, joyful; for that is the only way you will come to know the Father and to be as he is.
What is joy? Joy is the freedom of movement without interruption. It is the freedom of expression without judgment.. It is the freedom of being without fear or guilt. Joy is knowing that you are creating life on your own terms. It is the sublime movement of self allowed. That is joy.
Why is joy the grandest state of being? Because when you are in a state of joy, you are in the flow of what God is. And in that flow, there is no room for jealousy, anger, bitterness or war. It is difficult to hate anyone, it is difficult to be-siege anyone, it is difficult to hurt anyone when you are in a state of joy. When you are happy and joyful, you love God seen in all things. .
In an exuberant state of joy, you are at peace with everything about you. When you are in joy with life, you cannot feel remorseful or insecure, fearful, angry or lacking. In a state of joy you are fulfilled and complete, and life, wisdom and creativity flow like a mighty river from within your being. In a state of joy, you are inspired to the heights of greatness and the depths of feeling.
In a state of joy, life becomes the fervor and intensity of a dawn when the sky is the most beauteous color of rose, the clouds are tinged with fiery red, and birds are singing in the trees. In joy, you cease to age and will live forever, for life is no longer a drudgery but a wondrous adventure that you only hunger for more of. When joy is apparent, you are at one within your kingdom of self. In a state such as that, you have found utopia.
How do you become joyful? By knowing that every moment of your life gives you the freedom and opportunity to express joy, if that is your desire. And by knowing there is nothing that is ever worth separating yourself from happiness and joy. ..and God. Nothing! And by loving yourself completely, through and through-for you love God when you do.

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