Monday, February 9, 2009

The End of the World........

I spoke in one of my earlier posts, about the inherent shallowness that is devouring our generation. I’d like to rephrase that, to the inherent shallowness that is devouring the WORLD, along with all its creative genius, and values.
Here you have to bear in mind, of course, that I’m talking of values, not morals. Morals are defined in the dictionary as “Of or concerned with the judgment of the goodness or badness of human action and character”. In simple words, morals are society’s way of making sure that humans do exactly as they are expected, no less, and DEFINITELY no more. Morals, are the laws that were created centuries ago, to regulate basic human nature. Since we were kids, we’ve been ‘disciplined’, and taught ‘self-control’. Stealing is bad, honesty is good. I’ve been asking myself this question for a while now – WHO decides what’s good or bad?? WHO decided how humans would behave in the coming 1000s of years? And WHY was that person given the right to decide this?
The meaning of Values, however, is more than often confused with that of morals. A Value is ‘a collection of guiding, usually positive principles; what one deems to be correct and desirable in life, especially regarding personal conduct.’ Essentially, a value has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with morals. Of course, any normal law-abiding human being would have you believe otherwise. Morals are taught, whereas values, are caught. (:-p how corny am i!)
If I refuse to live my life by ‘social ethics’, I would be accused of rebelling. And they say that like it’s a bad thing!!! Now, I’m sitting with my dictionary open here ( :-p) so let’s see what a rebel is defined as – ‘someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action’ or ‘break with established customs’. I fail to see what’s wrong with that? Even though I’m anti-commercialization, is independent thought not the SOLE reason for ANY of the great inventions, EVER???
Do you realise that Edison, Einstein, Mozart, Buddha, Shakespeare, Henry Ford, Columbus, and ALL the other great people who have EVER lived, have been ‘REBELS’???
That’s the PRECISE reason, that Ms-word recognises their names, but underlines YOURS with red ink!!!!!
As I see the world now, however, there are neither any great values, nor morals. The entire race is stuck in limbo. Inspiration hangs THICK in the air. All those years of greatness have trickled down, only to be ingrained into every child born around the world. If I were to let go of history, and all hope for the future, there is really nothing remarkable happening. Of course, we have all the technology and the developments and the money, but I believe it just to be an excuse to avoid having to make the effort to actually go deep into humanity. There is no dearth of intelligence, or creativity, or effort, or genius, but WHERE is the depth???
WHY do you think shrinks earn so much? Not because the world has more ‘problems’, noooo. It’s purely, and solely because people have been avoiding themselves for so long, that it is perhaps, now genetic. The blindness that has been badgered into people over the millenniums, has now become a part of our inheritance.
I read a long time ago, of a research that was conducted, where a book was placed on a sheet of glass, such that it seemed like the book was floating in air. When a 6-7 (or close) month baby was brought in front of the table, his expression changed, to one of shock, at why the book wasn’t falling like it was supposed to. Some people would take this to be a proof of the fact that gravity is but natural, hence, a part of our hereditary knowledge.
I, however, take it to be an inkling of the innate cynicism that humans now possess. There was a time, when kids believed in magic, and in being able to fly, and pixies, and gnomes, and the enchanted tree. Now, the kids are ‘smart’ and ‘aware’ and their ‘G.K.’ is great. Nobody believes in magic anymore. We all know, they’re just tricks, illusions, ‘sleight of hand’. Does that not make you awfully sad?
Adults don’t believe in love, let alone eternal love. To quote Grey’s anatomy – the guy who coined the phrase ‘happily ever after’, should have his ass kicked, so hard! Books have been replaced by the internet, or the Xbox, or the TV. Enid Blyton’s books were banned from countries, accusing her of racism!!!!! I’ve never read Alice in Wonderland!!!!!
I would normally end such a piece with the hackneyed phrase – “what is the world coming to?” (Would you believe, before today, I thought a hackneyed carriage, was a kind of a carriage?? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!) Today, however, I shall answer that very question, as an extension of the streak of (perhaps delusional) optimism that has engulfed me these past few days......
The world, as we know it, is coming to an end. Our race has wandered almost as far away from their true selves, as is possible, and very soon, are going to come back right to their very roots. Not the roots of civilization, for civilization is just a means of distraction from our true selves. Rather, the roots of humanity – the fundamental essence of our souls. Take the world right now, as a timebomb, if you please. There’s little time left on the clock now, and very soon, it’s going to explode, wiping out the world, restoring to us, our roots.
By soon, I don’t mean in a month, or a year, or maybe even a century. I don’t know that, I’m no psychic, or Nostradamus. All I say here, Is what I feel. And I feel, that soon, things shall change. We shall have depth once more, and we shall have unsurpassable creativity, and unimaginable feats shall be accomplished.

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