Friday, February 27, 2009

I wanna live a little.....

Just because I'm smart doesn't mean I don't have the right to act stupid once in a while.

I might talk big, and think big, and , well, essentially be great.

That does not make me perfect.

And by no means whatsoever, does it make me a grown-up.

I like being an adult, but I don't want to be old.

So, for everyone out there who is thinking of "what's best for me" -

Thanks. I really DO appreciate it. And I love that I have ALL of your mistakes to learn from. I'd just like to learn from my own mistakes though, just once in a while.

I'm all of 20, and I've wasted too much time already, trying to grow up.

I completely forgot how, in the process, I was letting my juvenescence go.

I want to loosen up now.
I want to be rash.
I want to be careless,
and clumsy ( Not that i can help this last one ;-) )
I want to have a little FUN....

It's not the kind of fun you're probably afraid I might be talking about :-p

I just, don't want to be so careful anymore. I have the whole of the rest of my life to do that.

You say you trust me to know what's good for me?

Give me the option of actually making that decision!!!

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